NEA’s Perfect Fit Partnership Program

Nexus Endurance Academy DBA Bricks 2 Bricks 2 partners with key brands, media, and institutions to help us educate and foster new connections with our attendees, a select group of brands and remarkable community and region. Nexus Endurance Academy tailor-made partnership opportunities are designed to address each of our partners marketing goals and brand exposure, offering our Perfect Fit Partnerships to a superior demographic goal of affluent runners and walkers. Not surprisingly, runners and/or walkers are appreciative of luxury products, brands, and services. Nexus Endurance Academy will work with you to develop a package that meets your company’s exact needs and marketing objectives.   *Partnerships Pending

For information regarding joining our Perfect Fit Partnership program opportunities or hosting a special event, please contact:

Ken Long
Owner/Director of Operations

Trust your training to the leaders in running, walking, health, faith and experience the ultimate level of knowledge, professionalism and expertise.

Ken Long, Owner, Director of Operations
DeAnn Milliken, General Manager
4933 W. Smith Valley Road
Greenwood, IN 46142
(463) 403-9059